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Government needs to be more honest with Ghanaians – Dr Obed Asamoah

A former Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Dr Obed Asamoah has called on government to be “more honest” following the numerous complaints by Ghanaians of economic challenges.

According to Dr Asamoah, in order for government to get the support of the people, it must be prepared to be utterly transparent in all its financial dealings.

Ghana’s economical numbers have not been it best in recent times.

A cedi is depreciating to the dominant currencies at a fast pace. Similarly, there has been a hike in fuel prices with a litre of diesel selling at ¢10.

Many economists have expressed worry that the country’s economy is on the verge of collapse if proper interventions are not implemented as soon as possible.

Speaking on JoyNews’ AM Show, Dr Asamoah stressed it is time for government to be accountable and transparent with its people.

“There are so many issues, issues about corruption, procurement and the amount of money that is being lost on so many things. I mean, government has to come out clean.

“Open the books and say ‘look these are books, this is what we made, this is what we used it for,’” he suggested on Monday.

Meanwhile, government on Friday held a crunch cabinet meeting to find solutions to the raging economic challenges.

The deliberations was chaired by President Akufo-Addo, together with all NPP MPs, ministers, government appointees, and the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) leadership.

Following the four-day meeting, Information Minister, Kojo Oppong-Nkrumah announced that taken decisions aimed at mitigating the crisis.

He also added that Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta will provide more details of these measures later this week.

Source: Ghana News

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