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Ramitalks: A rant and a rave!

Vaccinated….Still, Covid!

Did I describe what happened when I got my second shot and drove some people mad with that fact? The jab was even less intrusive this time. And again I had the very slightest of aches around the point of entry. But I was incredibly sleepy for the next few days. I am convinced there was a connection with the jab. I was even having dreams of being sleepy. And then I got Covid.

There were a couple of things I didn’t tell you when I wrote all those posts on Covid. I might tell you one day….about who was wearing adult diapers, and a nurse who could NOT multi-task….or was it the PPE she was wearing? And did I tell you one of the effects of having piles after Covid??

Don’t sing!

Is it possible that the Accra Ridge Church has the worst church projectionist in Ghana, at least during Mass? How is it that the person projecting the hymns and other slides manages to get it so wrong? Can it be that difficult? Really? Words out of sync with the singing, sometimes the wrong hymn, sometimes missing words, other times pretending to be filming The Passion of Christ. Ebei oh! The person behaves as they would rather we were not singing!

Maybe it’s the system they are using. That’s a favourite excuse in Ghana: the system is down. On the other hand, maybe it’s a means to an end: new hymns, Ridge Church style! Does this happen during Sunday services?? And how exactly can a projectionist be late or absent at a time when hymn books have been denied us due to social distancing protocols?


I had a cheque cashed for me the other day at the CBG Bank on the Greenhill campus of GIMPA. I was given ¢20 of the total amount in coins. Yes, coins. 20p coins. Seriously. I could have used them as a deadly weapon, so heavy was the clear bag they came in. ¢20 in 20p coins translates into 100 coins. What annoyed me most was that they didn’t even ask if I would mind accepting coins; they were just thrust at me. CBG, how badly has the pandemic affected you?? Not even Covid-19 viruses come in coins!! Thankfully my branch at the Trade Fair found a ¢20 note they could spare.


Continuing in the vein of poor service, I was enjoying a frozen yoghurt at Pinkberry Labone the other day. I was sitting upstairs, chilled, reading, eating when the lone woman serving downstairs began to shout into her mobile. I can only assume that she was bored since no one was present apart from me upstairs. So she decided to chat on the phone. This is not a crime. But when you start to intrude on others space with your noise, then you are committing a social crime. I was actually planning to stay longer, but she just would not give up. And I really wasn’t interested in walking downstairs to give her a lecture. Toonoo. Meanwhile, when I entered she seemed half asleep…


Birthdays need to be celebrated. We need to acknowledge that we made it through another year, and we are blessed to be starting a new one. However, I deeply dislike being reminded by random people that their birthday is coming up. What is that?? “Please it’s my birthday tomorrow.” “Boss, what are you doing for me on my birthday in two days time?” I hate it! Even worse are those who use social media: “Happy birthday to me!” Really?? That sentence kills me!

Look here, I keep a birthday book to ensure that I don’t forget birthdays, and I consult this book often. And these days I am reminded online, like my Facebook friends. And on any WhatsApp platform, I belong to. That’s okay. But meeting me somewhere and screaming into my face, “It’s my birthday!!!!!!” It doesn’t work!! Or are people just following celebrities?? Somehow all of this doesn’t seem too bad when it’s a child telling you that it’s their birthday…

Motorbike riders

Have you noticed how, when a motorbike has an accident in Accra (every day??), other motorbike idiots, sorry, riders, will stop and swarm protectively around the rider? Nonsense! Is there any other group of road users who flout the laws like these idiots, sorry, riders? Do you know how bad you have to be considered worse than Ghanaian taxi drivers on the road? And not only do they swarm, but they will be actively insulting whoever else was involved in the accident. Such a situation is going to end in a very ugly way one day….and I hope I am passing by so I can urge on whoever fights these idiots, sorry, riders.


I have two Nokia mobile handsets, mainly because I am nostalgic about the name. But Nokia handsets make a huge effort to prevent me from using full stops and commas. Seriously. Whenever I try to use a comma I get some lousy videos, and whenever I try to use the full stop I press the space bar. I’m pretty sure there’s a conspiracy going on between Nokia and punctuation marks….but I don’t know what it is.

A Crush

At the age of 56, I have a new crush. Would you like to know who it is? Does anyone watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert? It’s an excellent American late-night show, possibly the best. There’s an in-house band that plays during every show. In the band is a double bass and it is played by the most divine woman. Her name is Endea Owens, she is African-American, and, oh boy. I have never wanted to be a double bass so much in all my life. The way she plucks those strings as she plays that instrument…


And, finally, I’m sure you all heard about the fracas when a young Rastafarian turned up for his first day recently at Achimota School with his dreadlocks firmly in place and prominently displayed. I’m not going to offer an opinion on the whole situation; it deserves a whole post. But I’m dying to know: when was that billboard at the Achimota School crossroads erected?? Do you know what it is advertising? Dreadlocks! Excellent ‘ambush marketing’, innit?! And the line: “More Twist To Your Loc’d Journey”. Indeed. Something delightful about the situation…

Source: Ghana News

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