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Insurance Industry to launch 2022 nation-wide blood donation campaign on Aug 9

Renowned gynaecologist and Medical Director of the Greater Accra Regional Hospital, Dr Emmanuel Srofenyoh, will be the guest speaker at the launch of the Ghana Insurance Industry’s Blood Donation campaign 2022 on Tuesday, August 9, 2022.

He will share with the general public the importance of voluntary blood donation to save lives, especially of pregnant women in labour and other patients who may be in need of blood to survive.

Dr Srofenyoh, who is noted for his passion for voluntary blood donation, accepted the invitation by the Commissioner of Insurance, Dr Justice Ofori, to speak on the worrying trend of the reluctance of some individuals to donate blood.

He is also expected to make a clarion call on other well-meaning individuals and organisations in the country to embark on regular blood donation exercises voluntarily. This will be necessary to help stock the blood banks across the country.

Some health workers say their professional ethics naturally guide them to ensure that their patients sleep before they sleep; nonetheless, they lament the delays in getting compatible units of blood to save lives have the potential of causing deaths.

For this reason, the insurance industry, led by the National Insurance Commission (NIC), has set aside August yearly as Ghana Insurance Industry Blood Donation Month.

Last year’s guest speaker, Prof Agyeman Badu-Akosa, a prominent pathologist, Spoke about how the country must inculcate the spirit of volunteerism in the citizenry.

He added that the body has a capacity to regenerate itself and even in regenerating itself, one would say his or her body has given itself a booster during that period of regeneration.

The Commissioner of Insurance, Dr. Justice Ofori is expected to declare the 2022 campaign open for the exercise to take place in all the regions of Ghana.

He will also be the first to donate on the day as he leads Chief executive Officers (CEOs) of insurance entities and staff of NIC and other bodies to do same.

The insurance industry will be represented by leaders of all industry bodies, such as the Ghana Insurers Association (GIA), the Insurance Brokers Association of Ghana (IBAG), the Chartered Insurance Institute of Ghana (CIIG), the ECOWAS Brown Card Insurance Secretariat, the Ghana Insurance College (GIC) and the West African Insurance Companies Association (WAICA).

Last year’s blood donation campaign saw 802 units donated by the insurance industry employees under the theme: ‘Donate blood, save a life; if you do it for someone, you do it for yourself.’

Source: Ghana News

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