General News

Majority Leader urges Parliament to pass Property Rights of Spouses Bill

Majority Leader urges Parliament to pass Property Rights of Spouses Bill

Majority Leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu is urging Parliament to pass the Property Rights of Spouses Bill.

This proposed law aims to establish guidelines for the distribution of properties during divorce, and for unmarried couples who were cohabitating but wish to separate.

According to the Majority Leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, the bill must be passed immediately due to the important role it plays during divorce and separation.

“It appears the blame for non-passage of the Property Rights of Spouses Bill has been rightly laid on the doorstep of Parliament because the bill has been laid twice, referred to the committee and allowed to lapse,” he said.

Arguing his stance before the House, the Suame MP said Article 229(1) states that “A spouse shall not be deprived of a reasonable provision out of the estate of a spouse whether or not the spouse died having made a will.

While 22(2) adds that “Parliament shall, as soon as practicable, after the coming into force of this Constitution, enact legislation regulating the property rights of spouses.”

Backing the Majority Leader, the MP for Walewale Constituency who is also the Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Lariba Zuweira Abudu said the passage of the bill is long overdue.

According to her, the Gender Ministry is ready to work with the Attorney General should the bill be passed into law.

“When you love a man, at times, you don’t care what you are doing. Some even take their parents property and will to a man. Yes out of love, some do that, especially the young ones. So we need to educate them.

“At the Gender Ministry, we will collaborate with them. But this bill is under the Attorney General. Just that we will collaborate with the Attorney General’s Department and see how best Parliament can support us to pass this bill,“ she stressed.

But former Minority Chief Whip, Muntaka Mubarak insists the bill cannot be passed before Parliament goes on its next break.

He explained that since the bill has faced some challenges, it will not be approved if re-introduced in its current form.

“I don’t know if we could have it as a way of eulogizing the Majority Leader and the First Deputy Leader as they leave Parliament but believe me, if it is going to be introduced in the same form and manner it was done, I am sorry to inform you that it will elapse.

“You can be sure that, I will oppose it one million times anytime it comes up because, it does not only form the fundamental core of the society I come from, it is formed on the faith that I have. The majority of people I represent will be against it. As a Member of Parliament, I can only oppose what majority of my people oppose including myself.

“If we don’t appreciate this, we will introduce this one million times and it will fail one million times,” he said.

Source: Ghana News

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