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Minority has not abandoned investigations on Adwoa Safo’s impersonation – Ablakwa

The North Tongu MP, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has refuted claims that he is quick to make allegations without pursuing them to its logical conclusion.

In an interview with JoyNews, the Ranking Member on the Foreign Affairs Committee insisted that he has not abandoned any of the issues he earlier raised.

Mr Ablakwa in 2021 accused the Majority Caucus of aiding the impersonation of the Dome Kwabenya MP, Sarah Adwoa Safo during the vote to overturn the approval of the 2022 budget.

Amongst others, he also alleged that Kennedy Agyepong of Assin Central and the Greater Accra Regional Minister, Henry Quartey absented themselves from Parliament for 18 days without Speaker Alban Bagbin’s express permission.

“I am not one who starts a fight and runs away from it. I remain very consistent,” he stated.

On the matter of Madam Safo’s alleged impersonation, Mr Ablakwa revealed that the Minority engaged an external expert to analyse the image of the alleged imposter to confirm if she’s indeed the Dome Kwabenya MP.

According to him, opposition National Democratic Congress (MDC) lawmakers will soon make public the findings of the said investigation.

“It has not been abandoned at all. We have gathered the evidence that we set out to put together. Our evidence is ready and intact and we took a decision that the leadership of the NDC Caucus will, at the right time, will put out the evidence that we have gathered.

“If it was abandoned, we wouldn’t have gone further to carry out investigations to even solicit external expertise. A lot has gone on behind the scenes but it is about timing and strategy,” he stated.

Minority has not abandoned investigations on Adwoa Safo's impersonation - Ablakwa
The Minority in Parliament believe the Dome Kwabenya MP was impersonated by the lady in this photo in December 2021.

Adwoa Safo has come under fire for neglecting her parliamentary duties amid speculations that she has vowed not to return until given a leadership role in the August House.

This has infuriated some colleague MPs and members of the NPP who are calling for her removal.

Adwoa Safo was last seen in Parliament in December 2021, when she appeared in the House to dismiss claims by the Minority Caucus that she was impersonated.

She has since not returned to the Chamber.

Source: Ghana News

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