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My administration welcomes criticisms from different views – Akufo-Addo

President Akufo-Addo says he is open to all kinds of criticism in his bid to better the lives of Ghanaians. 

Describing it as part of the work, the President said he is building an open society and a nation that guarantees freedoms for all.

President Akufo-Addo stated this at a Special Mass organised by the Anglican Church of Ghana at the Jubilee House.

The President in a brief statement after the service said his administration welcomes criticisms from divergent views.

“It enables us to be able to tolerate many of the slings and arrows that are thrown at us in this house but we see this as part of the work we have to do for the people of Ghana, and we prepared to be open to all kinds of statements; some malicious, some in good faith.

But then we take it all on board. We are trying to build an open society and a nation that guarantees freedoms of all sorts, so those who are in the front of it have to have the temperament and psyche that enables them to tolerate whatever is said and in many cases be able to gain some hidden truths in what is said,” the president said.

My administration welcomes criticisms from different views - Akufo-Addo

Over 20 Anglican clergymen drawn from across the country led by the Anglican Archbishop of the Internal Province of Ghana and Bishop of Asante Mampong, the Most Reverend Dr. Cyril Ben-Smith, held the service to seek the grace of  God for the President and his government as they continue to spearhead the development of the country. 

They urged President Akufo-Addo to stay focused on his mandate to govern the country.  In a sermon at the special Presidential Eucharist Service held at the Banquet Hall of the Jubilee House themed: “launch into the deep waters”, Most Reverend Dr. Cyril Ben-Smith noted that regardless of the failures and challenges of the times, Ghanaians must be willing to try again.

Using the biblical parable of Jesus and Simon on the sea, he said Ghana has to move forward notwithstanding the challenges and failures brought by the pandemic.

“I remember the slogan of His Excellency and it still stands, the battle is still the Lord’s. In 2022, notwithstanding, nevertheless, the battle is still the Lord’s…Let us learn to trust God and His provisions for us as a country this year believing that our God shall supply all our needs according to His riches,” he said.

My administration welcomes criticisms from different views - Akufo-Addo

The Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia was present. Also in attendance were the first lady, Rebecca Akufo-Addo and children, Chief of Staff and other senior members at the Presidency.

Source: Ghana News

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