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NCC opens registration for UNESCO-ASCHBERG conference for emerging artists

NCC opens registration for UNESCO-ASCHBERG conference for emerging artists

Registration is open for artistes and cultural professionals across the country to participate in the upcoming UNESCO-ASCHBERG conference by the National Commission on Culture.

The programme aimed at empowering emerging cultural and creative practitioners is powered by the UNESCO-Aschberg Programme for artists and cultural professionals.

The Conference seeks to provide requisite knowledge for artists within the performing and visual arts domains across the country on existing relevant policies and legal frameworks governing the culture and creative space in the country and beyond.

It also aims at offering participants with the tools and knowledge needed to create high quality productions, with protection and freedom, that speaks to the times and reflect their cultural heritage whiles addressing contemporary socio-cultural issues.

Topics that will be treated during the conference include;

1. Overview of the Ghana Cultural Policy Review

2. Drafting Business Plan – Registration, Funds, Grants and Sponsorship Sourcing

3. Overview of Intellectual Property in Ghana: Dealing with proof of ownership, piracy, copyright infringements, and other IP-related offenses

4. Business Administration and Management Practices for Artists and Cultural Professionals: Company Laws, Contract, Taxation, Insurance, Security, Occupational Hazards, Quality Production, Marketing, Networking and Distribution

5. The Interplay of Cultural Diplomacy and International Cooperation: Artists as Agents of Social Transformation

6. Legal Framework, Constitutional Rights and Artistic Freedom of Expression in Ghana

The Conference will take place in four (4) centres across the country at the following locations:

i. Zone 1 Conference at Tamale (covering the Upper East, Upper West, Northern, North-East and Savannah regions)

ii. Zone 2 Conference at Kumasi (covering the Ashanti, Ahafo, Bono and Bono East regions)

iii. Zone 3 Conference at Cape Coast/Sekondi (covering Central, Western and Western North regions) and

iv. Zone 4 Conference at Accra (covering Greater Accra, Eastern, Oti and Volta regions).

Please note that you can only attend one conference. Interested persons can click on the following link to register:

Registration closes on Sunday 21st January, 2024.

For any further information, kindly contact the National Coordinator via telephone on 0249245065 or email at [email protected]

Source: Ghana News

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