General News

NDC Primaries: 2 arrested for creating commotion at Ningo Prampram

Police have picked up two individuals believed to have created a commotion at the ongoing National Democratic Congress (NDC) primaries in the Ningo-Prampram Constituency.

The two delegates who appear to be supporters of opposing candidates reportedly engaged in a feud shortly after they clashed while campaigning for their preferred candidates.

“We understand that one is a supporter of Sam George, and the other is a supporter of Michael Kwetey Tetteh. They are delegates and they were in the queue going to vote. So they were making the point, vote number 1, the other said vote number 2.

“Before everyone could realise, it had degenerated into a back-and-forth, and heated exchanges and pushing and shovelling of each other, then police rushed in and arrested the two individuals,” Joseph Ackah-Blay of JoyNews narrated.

The incident is reported to have also stampeded the progress of the election and that the arrested delegates themselves could not vote before their arrest.

Meanwhile, the two candidates for whom the arrested delegates were campaigning were not present at the scene because they were reportedly focused on busing delegates to other stations to cast their votes.

But according to Joseph, the candidates upon being aware of the incident are making sure matters are resolved largely due to the fact that the said delegates could not cast their vote.

In effect, security at the premises of the incident has been intensified to prevent other issues from marring the election.

Eyes are fixed on the Ning-Prampram Constituency as parliamentary candidate hopeful Michael Kwetey Tettey is seeking to unseat the incumbent, Sam George.

Mr Nartey George believes he will win the election easily but Mr Tettey said he should not be given attention as elections are won after polls.

According to Mr Tettey, the incumbent won the seat by a slim margin in the previous election which he attributed to some of his people not being able to vote.

The NDC’s primaries will, however, end at 4 pm on Saturday, May 13.

Source: Ghana News

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