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NIIT Open Labs organises Robotics Expo 2022

The NIIT Open Labs Institute has organised the 2nd edition of the robotics exhibition to display new innovations by some students from its Tema and Accra campus.

The students after undergoing intensified training in Information Technology created devices they believe will provide solution to some basic human needs through robotics.

The students made Automatic Lighting System, which has an auto-resister that works with the intensity of light, smart farm; Centering on Irrigation; Electric Walking Sticks; Smart Dustbin; Parking System and many other innovations which are operators using sensors.

Interacting with Joy Business, Opare Asante and his team who made the electric walking stick and spectacles revealed that a visit to the Ghana Blind Union influenced their decision to create the walking aid to support the visually impaired individuals.

“The rationale was based on our recent visit to the Ghana Blind Union, there we noticed the people there found it difficult to move around, with just the plain walking stick, so we met together as a team and decided to create something that can benefit all, provided the support is there”.

NIIT Open Labs organises Robotics Expo 2022

Open Labs, formerly NIIT Ghana is a well-known name in West African IT education. The institution is best recognised for its training, consulting and content production capabilities.

Lead for NIIT Open Lab Ghana, Arunava Samar said technology is meant to solve problems, and his team is determined to build systems that will be affordable in the Ghanaian market.

“The basic function of technology is to solve problems. If you compare what Ghana is doing in terms of technology, it cannot be compared to Europe. The problem here is the accessibility to resources. So, what our students can do to build solutions with cheaper resources, so that it can be affordable to many”.

NIIT Open Labs is an institution that train students in terms of technology, software, hardware and Networking with the aim to build digital workforce for Ghana.

Source: Ghana News

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