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Nsawam-Adoagyiri MP asks PIAC to apologise for alleged misappropriation of funds

The Member of Parliament for Nsawam-Adoagyiri, Frank Annoh-Dompreh, has called on the Public Interest and Accountability Committee (PIAC) to withdraw what he describes as mischievous and false publication over the construction of some markets in his constituency.

According to PIAC, although funds have been generated from the petroleum revenue for the construction of two markets in the Nsawam-Adoagyiri community, the project has not materialized. PIAC therefore raised issues of misappropriation against the Assembly.

Speaking to JoyNews’ Kwesi Parker-Wilson, Mr. Annoh-Dompreh rejected the claims, stating that there has been no form of misappropriation under his watch.

The MP, however, explained that there were some controversies surrounding Nsumia and Otukwadwo, over the construction of markets at these sites. Because of the challenges, works were halted.

“There was a challenge. It was communicated to them. I must be fair to them. There was a challenge with places like Nsumia in terms of site and Otukwadwo. We were only able to confirm for Nsawam. So the contractor engaged me and was seeking my opinion if we should wait for us to get all the three places before construction work can begin.

“I said ‘no, at least let’s start with Nsawam, where we don’t have a controversy with the site.’ So we were still in talks trying to get the place, Nsumia and Otukwadwo resolved. We were unable to resolve it. So they went ahead and constructed the one for Nsawam and was completed. It was commissioned,” he added.

According to Mr Annoh-Dompreh, two sheds were built each with 24 cubicles, a water system and storage facility.

“Otukwadzo never benefited from the market shed. Obviously because we could not agree on a venue for the market,” he stressed.

In view of this, the Nsawam Adoagyiri MP has demanded that PIAC withdraws its report and render an unqualified apology.

“So the PIAC report is quite mischievous and I don’t know why they would not do their cross-checking. So I demand of the PIAC to come out and do the correction and render an unqualified apology for the pain they have caused the assembly.”

He indicated that the staff of Nsawam Adoagyiri Assembly are very diligent and would not condone any act of corruption in order to siphon money from the state.

Source: Ghana News

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