General News

Party unity is non-negotiable – Ofosu-Ampofo

The Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Samuel Ofoso Ampofo, has advised the party faithful to make the unity of the party its ultimate priority.

According to him, this is the sure way the party can capture political power in the 2024 presidential election.

“We shoot ourselves in the foot if we allow our internal elections to take a better part of us and forget that the target is not us in the current situation in which the country finds itself.

“We will be letting all Ghanaians down if we allow our internal stunt to go beyond today and affect our agenda for the 2024 elections,” he said.

Addressing the 10th national delegates congress at the Accra sports stadium on Saturday he advised delegates to put aside their difference after results are announced so they focus on the ultimate goal.

“Our differences and preferences should end in the declaration of the winners today. The battle we have is a political battle, as a political battle it is not an internal battle those, we are in real combat with are the NPP, that is our must-win battle,” he added.

He was, however, confident that the party will not be divided after the delegate’s congress.

“I believe I can count on you all to quickly regroup after today irrespective of how the elections go for you this is also because as we have it our African proverb says a snake that you can see does not bite.

“We can see ourselves as NDC members so we cannot and must not bite one another I guess what the proverb forgot to add is that a mosquito that you can see can also not bite,” he added Mr Ampofo reiterated that Ghanaians looked up to the NDC to provide a better tomorrow.

Source: Ghana News

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