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Change in Minority Leadership: We cannot refuse to recognise the lawful decision – Kofi Adams

Member of Parliament for Buem, Kofi Adams says members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) cannot choose to disrespect the decision to reshuffle the front bench of the party in Parliament.

The Legislator said although members can register their displeasure with the decision, it should be done diligently to avoid creating problems for the party.

“I cannot refuse to recognise them. Why should I disrespect the decision of the party?…we can register our concerns in some way but we cannot say that we do not recognise the lawful decision of the party,” he told Evans Mensah on Top Story, Thursday.

Responding to a claim from the Zebilla MP, Cletus Avoka about a breach in the party’s constitution as a result of the decision taken, Kofi Adams disagreed.

“In the first place, I do not know what constitution my colleague is talking about. If it is the NDC’s constitution that I know of, then he is wrong. Unless he is talking about a different party constitution, but not the NDC party constitution we have worked with all this long.”

He said the party’s leadership and MPs should be able to address the issue rather than “quoting non-existing constitutional provisions of the party to hold press conferences.”

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) on Tuesday announced a reshuffle of its leadership in Parliament. The Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu and the Chief Whip, Muntaka Mubarak, both with close to 20 years of experience in Parliament were changed as leaders of the Caucus.

A letter signed by the party’s General Secretary, Fifi Fiavi Kwetey announced Dr Cassiel Ato Forson as the new Minority Leader with Emmanuel Kofi-Armah Buah as the Deputy Minority Leader.

MP for Adaklu, Kwame Governs Agbodza was also named as the party’s new Minority Chief Whip, taking over from Asawase MP, Muntaka Mubarak.

This decision was berated by many supporters of the party including Tamale Central MP, Murtala Mohammed who questioned the timing and relevance of the decision.

Some supporters of the party in Tamale were also unhappy with the changes and called on the party to rescind its decision.

A meeting between the Minority and the party leadership has been scheduled for January 31 to settle the differences arising from the reshuffle.

Source: Ghana News

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