General News

Police arrest 16 persons for allegedly invading UTV studios

The Ghana Police Service say they have arrested 16 people who allegedly went to disrupt normal programming at the premises of UTV studios.

The arrest, according to the police, was executed following a complaint from the Despite Media Group and Ministry of Information that the suspects had invaded the studios of UTV on Saturday evening.

“They are currently at the Police Station assisting investigations,” the police noted in a statement posted on their social media handles.

This incident unfolded during the broadcast of the United Showbiz program on Saturday, October 7.

Shortly after the show commenced, a disruptive noise obstructed the proceedings leaving viewers surprised and concerned. 

The show abruptly went off the air, and in its place, commercials filled the screen. However, subsequent online videos shed light on the unsettling disturbance. 

A group claiming to be affiliated with the New Patriotic Party (NPP) forcibly stormed the UTV studios during the live broadcast.

Their main demand was receiving an apology from one of the panellists, A-Plus, amid threats.

They claimed the musician-turned-politician had disrespected that party, President Akufo-Addo and Vice President Dr Bawumia.

However, it is unclear which of the comments he has made in the past triggered the invasion of the TV studio.

Some fans have been speculating sharing numerous videos of A Plus they believe may have incited the alleged NPP members to attack the studio.

In the aftermath of the incident, the host of the show MzGee, apologised to the viewers for the disruption. 

She also reassured everyone that the panellists, guests, and the station’s staff were unharmed.

Meanwhile, NPP Communications Director, Richard Ahiagbah later came on the show to apologise to UTV and the viewers.

He stated that the party did not sanction the attack on the station to disrupt the programme and urged the police to carry out a thorough investigation into the issue.

Source: Ghana News

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