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RTU to borrow money for match versus Elmina Sharks

PRO for Real Tamale United, Sey Mubarick, has indicated that the dire financial position of the club, has left them no other choice than to seek loans, with plots of land as collateral to honor league games.

Head coach, Shaibu Tanko after the team’s 4-0 defeat to AshantiGold in March revealed financial depression had hit the club.

Despite the gloomy situation, RTU secured a 2-1 home victory over league leaders, Kotoko, but now face the possibility of forfeiting their away game to Elmina Sharks due to lack of funds to travel.

RTU are playing in Ghana’s topflight for the first time after an eight-year absence and are already in a relegation battle. Meaning, forfeiting the game against Sharks will suffocate their chances of survival should fellow strugglers, WAFA, manage to beat Kotoko at home.

With this possibility in mind, Mubarick has indicated the club will explore all avenues, which includes sacrificing plots of land to raise funds, to make the meeting with Sharks possible.

“We cannot say we will not honor this match, so whatever means management will do to get the team in Elmina for this game we will do and if it means we have to use our plots of land for collateral, definitely we will.

“When we were traveling to Tarkwa our CEO had to use his plots of land as collateral to borrow money for RTU. So we will look within, if any management member has similar issues, we could use the same as collateral to borrow again for the club. RTU, for now, is not running on a budget, we are only depending on donations and philanthropic gestures from stakeholders of the game,” Mubarick said to JoySports.

He also revealed that the club is expected to receive certain amounts of money to support its administration.

“We’re waiting for some money to come from somewhere to settle all this,” Mubarick disclosed in an interview.

Source: Ghana News

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