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Set your priorities straight and get off my chest! – Efia Odo tells critics

Following musician, Kwesi Arthur’s Son of Jacob album launch event, discussions on the album and the event have almost always ended with a discussion on what socialite and actress, Efia Odo wore to the event.

Some critics have criticized her dress saying it was indecent and inappropriate; others are calling for sanctions against her.

Now the actress is fed up.

In a twitter post,  Efia Odo reprimanded these critics for their fixation on her dress instead of the body of work that was being celebrated at the event she attended.

She said, “You won’t go and arrest people who do illegal mining, the two pimples on my chest is what you’re worried about? Set your priorities straight and get off my chest! Jokers !!”

Twitter reactions to her post have been split.

Whereas some tweeps have shown support to the actress, others believe her recent involvement in the #FixTheCountry campaign demands that she changes her lifestyle to fit that of a model citizen’s.

Meanwhile, Kwesi Arthur has said he is not embarrassed by Efia Odo’s appearance and the aftermath of it.

He said, “I can’t be embarrassed by that…In terms of what she wore I feel like she’s a confident woman and she’s not ashamed of showing herself and like being herself and yeah I admire her for that.”

Source: Ghana News

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