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Calcio Trade Ball All-Star Game: Fans can’t wait to see more from Afena-Gyan

After scoring his debut goal for the senior national team the Black Stars, fans are looking up to Felix Afena Gyan to score more goals in the upcoming Calcio (Football) Trade Ball, The All-Star Game.

It would be recalled that Afena Gyan scored against Madagascar when the Black Stars opened their 2023 African Cup of Nations (AFCON) Qualifying campaign at the Cape Coast Stadium on Wednesday in the Central Region.

Afena Gyan will play in the All-Stars Game scheduled to be held at the Accra Sports Stadium on 17th June 2022.

“Hello Ghana, this is your boy Felix Afena Gyan and I’m calling on all football fans to gather at the Accra Sports Stadium on 17th June for the 2022 Calcio (Football) Trade Ball All-Star Game. Take the opportunity to see all your favourite football stars and let’s have fun,” Afena Gyan appealed.

The All-Star game is part of the three-day sports fiesta at this year’s Calcio (Football) Trade Ball.
This renowned sporting event which is an initiative and a collaboration between Arthur Legacy Sports and Italian Embassy, Ghana has bounced back in a grand style after three years of break.

The three-day program is to commemorate this year’s project (9th edition) starting with a seminar on player exploitation on June 16, followed by an All-Star special football game at the Accra Stadium on 17th June 2022.

The final day which is the third day on 18th June will be crowned with a Dinner Gala.

Felix Afena Ohene-Gyan plays as a striker for Serie A club Roma and the Ghana national team.

To buy tickets: “Calcio Trade Ball 2022” The All-Stars Game

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Source: Ghana News

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