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Struggling Northern Development Authority gets new CEO

President Akufo-Addo has appointed Mr. Sulley Sambian as the new Acting Head of the beleaguered Northern Development Authority (NDA).

This was contained in a letter dated March 3, and signed by the Chief of Staff, Akosua Fremah Osei Opare.

“I am pleased to inform you that H.E the President has appointed you as Chief Executive Officer of the Northern Development Authority pending receipt of the constitutionally required advice of the governing board given in consultation with the Public Services Commission”, the appointment letter stated.

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The appointment follows the resignation of the acting CEO, Sumaila Abdul Rahman, who is being prosecuted by the Special Prosecutor for corruption and corruption-related offenses.

Mr. Sumaila in his resignation letter asserted that the decision had become necessary to enable him to step aside and allow the ongoing judicial process to take place without any interference.

The newly appointed acting CEO, Sulley Sambian, is a lawyer by profession, and until his appointment, the Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the North East Region.

He was the party’s secretary in the Northern Region before the creation of the new regions.

Mr. Sambian is about the third CEO to be appointed since the establishment of the Authority in 2017.

Source: Ghana News

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