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The foundation of my development agenda is to migrate the whole constituency to the national grid – MP

The Member of Parliament for the Daboya/Makarigu Constitiency in the Savannah Region, Alhaji Mahama Asei, said his foundation and strategic development policy in the next few years is to ensure the rest of the communities in his constituency are connected to the national electricity grid.

He said no nation or community today can develop without electricity, and that he represents positive development for the people in North Gonja.

“I’ve a strategic development plan for my constituency and the foundation for that plan is electricity. Because it is very possible and I’ve already started. I’m not just talking, but walking the talks in some 11 communities in my constituency,” the MP indicated.

The foundation of my development agenda is to migrate the whole constituency to the national grid - MP
Alhaji Mahama Asei , Mp for Daboya/Makarigu with constituents.

The MP who said this in an  interview with JoyNews’ Isaac Nongya during a tour of the  constituency, added that  five out of the 11 communities  are currently  enjoying electricity.

“Yes, five have already been commissioned and are  in use. While the other six communities will also be commissioned this week for the people. All these are happening within my first term in office as MP,” Alhaji Asei stated.

He indicated that  the Somon, Tembang, Solugu, Nabengu, and Tusungu communities are the first five  that have been connected to electricity.

The foundation of my development agenda is to migrate the whole constituency to the national grid - MP
An electrician on site working

“You know, these other six communities like Zeipe, Bugsa, Sekpege one and Sekpege two including Mempeasem and Kparia have also been connected to the national grid. The people in these areas are very dear to my heart and the promise is that, this week, I’ll also commission power for them for a new experience (electricity supply ) in their various establishment,” the MP said.

According to him, every community under his tenure as MP, will benefit from the national grid and needs the support and cooperation of the Chiefs and people to finish with the foundation of his strategic  development agenda (Electricity supply)  and move to the actual phase of development for the Daboya/Makarigu Constituency.

“You see, last year, I visited some three communities around Legbesi to see how I could plan for electricity to be extended there and out of sheer propaganda, some elements of the opposition party (NDC) mischievously said children who were waving at me when we were exiting the communities, were rather  hooting, but thankfully, that dream of visit, is coming to pass,” he said

The foundation of my development agenda is to migrate the whole constituency to the national grid - MP
Mp exiting one of the rooms connected waiting for the commissioning.

“Works to connect, Wawato, Donkompe and Gurubago to the national grid is in  progress and the people in these communities will soon smile and  know that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and Alhaji Mahama Asei don’t only  promise like others, but deliver to the people,” the MP stated.

Alhaji Asei commended GETFUND for their inputs leading to some of his efforts to enhance the progress of his constituents and boost development in the North Gonja District.

Source: Ghana News

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