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TotalEnergies Marketing Ghana PLC donates to Wesoamo Child Cancer Foundation and Baptist School Complex and Orphanage

TotalEnergies Marketing Ghana PLC has supported Wesoamo Child Cancer Foundation at the Ridge Hospital in Accra and the Baptist School Complex and Orphanage to aid the less fortunate in society.

The donation forms part of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and yearly commitment to provide assistance to the vulnerable and less privileged in society.

An amount of ¢30,000 was donated by the company to Wesoamo Child Cancer Foundation to support children with cancer. The presentation was done at the Paediatric Oncology Unit of the Ridge Hospital.

TotalEnergies Marketing Ghana PLC donates to Wesoamo Child Cancer Foundation and Baptist School Complex and Orphanage

Gloria Pwamang, Lead Advocate of the Foundation, accepted the cheque on the foundation’s behalf and expressed her profound gratitude for the donation.

She said the donation would greatly aid the foundation in its work considering the fact that many parents were unable to pay for the drugs and treatment of the children battling with childhood cancer.

In a similar exercise, staff of the company also made a second donation to the Baptist School Complex and Orphanage located in Suhum in the Eastern Region. The Founder and Executives of the School and orphanage were presented with items including bags of rice, cooking oil, sugar, water, beverages, biscuits, drinks, washing soap, hygiene products and many more.

TotalEnergies Marketing Ghana PLC donates to Wesoamo Child Cancer Foundation and Baptist School Complex and Orphanage

BASCO was formed in 1996 on the idea of Rev Victor, who went on a crusade in a village and noticed the need to help the people there, and since then it has been a home for many orphans over the years.

According to Rev. Dr. Victor Ofori-Amoah, Founder & Director of the BASCO Home, some of the children had gone on to further their education had graduated from Nursing School and Police Service.

TotalEnergies Marketing Ghana PLC donates to Wesoamo Child Cancer Foundation and Baptist School Complex and Orphanage

He expressed its sincere gratitude to the company for the support and assured that the items donated will be put to good use and will go a long way to benefit the children under their care.

He took the opportunity to urge other organizations and individuals to take a cue from TotalEnergies Marketing Ghana PLC initiative to support the needs of the most vulnerable members of society.

Source: Ghana News

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