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Yendi MP renovates 3 schools blocks destroyed by rainstorm

The Member of Parliament for the Yendi Constituency, Alhaji Farouk Aliu Mahama has renovated three school blocks which were destroyed by a rainstorm three years ago.

The schools are; Nuru Islam Primary School, Kunkon Primary and Zakoli MA primary.

Pupils of these schools have had to study under trees or in the destroyed building for the past three years.

Yendi MP renovates 3 schools blocks destroyed by rainstorm
A shot of one of the dilapidated structures

It is against this backdrop that the MP renovated these schools to enhance teaching and learning.

Following the destruction, the structure became a death trap, endangering the lives of the students. The schools which were constructed several years ago eventually had to give in to a heavy rainstorm that hit the area.

Yendi MP renovates 3 schools blocks destroyed by rainstorm
One of the renovated structures to support teaching and learning

At a short ceremony to hand over the renovated schools, the MP said education is the pivot for the development of the area, therefore his decision to prioritize education.

“Having been a Member of Parliament who has prioritized education as a pivot of development for the future, using my father as an example, looking at him from his humble beginning, being the Vice President who came from a very poor background, but used education to become the Vice President, education is something that is very dear to my heart”, he said.

Yendi MP renovates 3 schools blocks destroyed by rainstorm
The ceremony where the new school blocks were handed over

He added that he will also continue to work hard to help empower women and the youth in the area economically.

“I am still not reneging on my duty as MP, so I will make sure that the mandate given me for the first two years and the subsequent years to come, [will} be nothing but development, education, infrastructure and [the reduction] of the poverty level [amongst] of our women”, he added

The Assistant Head Master of the Zakoli RC, Bawa Sualisu said it was a relief to finally have a decent school for studies.

“We are very much grateful to the MP for renovating the school to a befitting environment for teaching and learning. The school was in a very bad shape and when we put it out on social media and he saw it, he felt for us and then came in for the renovation”, Mr. Bawu said.

Yendi MP renovates 3 schools blocks destroyed by rainstorm
A comparison between one of the old structures and a newly constructed one

The Headteacher of Kunkon Islamic Primary School, Abukari Sadik also said they were devastated when the rainstorms ripped off the roof of the school, but are now very relieved due to the works done by the MP.

“I was traumatized when I was first posted to the school to teach because of the dilapidated nature of the school until Alhaji Farouk came in to support”, he added.

Chief of Zakoli, Naa Abukari Andani also said they appreciate the effort of bringing development to the area.

He however said much still needs to be done in the area.

On that note, he appealed to the MP to continue to support the constituency.

Yendi MP renovates 3 schools blocks destroyed by rainstorm
Front view of one of the new classroom blocks donated by Alhaji Farouk Aliu Mahama

“We thank the MP for all that he has done, but we want to appeal to him to support the area with a school feeding programme, furniture, an additional three-unit classroom block, offices and urinals for the facility. We also need street lights, water and roads “, he said.

Source: Ghana News

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