General News

363 Police recruits sworn-in at Ho

A total of 363 recruits have been sworn in at the Regional Police Training School in Ho.

The recruits took the oath of enlistment and the oath of secrecy.

The Regional Police Commander, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP), Mr. Edward Oduro Kwateng, welcomed the recruits to the Training School and said they should count themselves privileged to be at the best Centre. This is because the school produced the overall best recruits two consecutive times in the Standardized Recruit Final Examination.

He entreated the recruits to be humble and commit time to their studies and other non-academic training “for battles are only won after hard training to become effective Police officers.”

The Commanding officer for the school, Chief Superintendent, William Yankee Acolatse, encouraged the recruits to be disciplined and uphold the regulations of the school.

He reminded them of the institution’s stance on indiscipline, saying, “the school will not tolerate recalcitrant recruits and will not hesitate to dismiss anyone who flouts any of our rules.” Chief Superintendent Acolatse also reminded the recruits to be guided by the Covid-19 protocols in the school.

Some recruits expressed their joy and praised the level of discipline in the school. They were also happy about the serene atmosphere within which they would be trained.

The Regional Police Training School, Ho, was officially opened on 18th August, 1961 for the training of Local Authority staff. Seven years later, the formal training of 64 Police recruits started in the school in 1968. The school has since produced a good number of recruits.

Source: Ghana News

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