General News

AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem employees mark World Environment Day with tree planting exercise

Employees of AngloGold Ashanti (AGA) Iduapriem Mine on Monday embarked on a tree planting exercise and a litter clean-up campaign around the company’s operational area, ongoing project sites, and selected communities as part of activities to mark this year’s World Environment Day.

World Environment Day is globally observed annually on June 5, to encourage worldwide awareness and action for the protection of the environment. This year’s event was commemorated on the theme: “Only One Earth.”  

Speaking at a brief ceremony to launch activities for World Environment Day, the Managing Director of Iduapriem Mine, Samuel Boakye Pobee said the company was committed to investing in technology that brings its operations closer to zero emissions and highlighted some initiatives the Mine had taken to contribute to environmental protection and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

“We have chosen to deploy caterpillar’s Dynamic Gas Blending (DGB) technology at our Mine in line with the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) goal of achieving emission-free surface mining vehicles by 2040 and promoting restoration of the ecosystem and its services with our rehabilitation programme,” said Samuel Boakye Pobee.

AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem employees mark World Environment Day with tree planting exercise

“We have also initiated a biodiversity survey to assess the state of current ecosystem services within our concession, installed a 346-megawatt solar plant to provide power for the Mine’s residential areas and upgraded our water treatment plant to ensure that good quality water is discharged from our operations, among others.”

He, therefore, reiterated the company’s commitment to conduct its operations in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner and entreated all employees and stakeholders to reflect on ways to interact and live in harmony with nature to save the earth for future generations.

On his part, William Addo, Manager, Environment, noted that every Ghanaian had a role to play in protecting the environment and called for a collective sense of responsibility and efforts to preserve the environment for sustainable development.

“World Environment Day is a reminder to all of us to protect our natural resources and promote a sustainable and safer environment,” said William Addo. “We only have one earth; we cannot afford to lose it.”

Prior to this event, Iduapriem Mine in collaboration with the Centre for National Culture and the National Youth Authority organised a symposium on the theme: Preserving Our Environment for Posterity: The Role of Stakeholders. It was aimed at promoting sound environmental practices in the wake of climate change.

Source: Ghana News

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