General News

Church leaders must lead fight against corruption – President of Apostolic Church

President of the Apostolic Church-Ghana, Dr Aaron Ami-Narh, has charged leadership of churches in the country to lead the way in tackling corruption.

He says the issue of corruption has become endemic in a nation that has a majority of its citizens as religious practitioners, who are expected to lead the moral compass in the society.

Speaking to JoyNews on the sidelines of the second General Council meeting of the Church, Dr Ami-Narh stated that the country’s expected development may never be achieved if the situation continues to remain.

“We say it but I think we joke with the whole thing; we are no longer shocked there is corruption and there is corruption even in the church. We must take the bull by the horn and ask ourselves what we can do to correct the situation.

“No matter what comes into this nation, so long as the canker of corruption still exists, it will get into the pockets of just a few and this nation will still be impoverished. The church must show the way,” he noted.

Meanwhile, the Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng has said his office is determined to crack down on corruption through prosecutions and asset recoveries.

A new corruption league table to be published later in the year is expected to enable his office to document corruption and expose peddlers of same.

“We recognise various corruption rankings, scorings and surveys being carried out. However, it comes down to the nature of the information gathered and the use to which such information is put.

“In sum, we will be documenting corruption, measuring corruption, ascertaining the breeding of corruption, naming and shaming peddlers of corruption, examining the impact of anti-corruption initiatives and taking curative and remedial measures to crack down on corruption through prosecutions and asset recovery and management.

“It is time to move beyond the composite annual ranking of countries on a corruption drop list to own our local narrative and fashion and retool Our reformation by prodding our public sector into real and concrete action against corruption and corrupt practices,” he said.

Source: Ghana News

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