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E-levy will be reviewed when Parliament resumes – Annoh-Dompreh hints

Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annoh-Dompreh, has hinted that the controversial Electronic Transaction Levy rate of 1.75% will be reviewed when Parliament reconvenes for its second session.

In an interview with Accra-based Citi News, the Nsawam Adoagyiri MP said stakeholders have been extensively engaged, and the E-levy would be tabled in a form acceptable to all.

“I have a feeling that there might be one or two amendments, especially concerns about utility and probably the rates. I am sure there will be some amendments to it.

“I am not concluding though, but from intelligence, I am picking, the kind of thinking the MPs are showing, I am very sure that there will be some change in form.”

This comes on the heels of the brawl that characterised the e-Levy debate on Monday, December 20, 2021.

The opposition, National Democratic Congress (NDC), is demanding that government either reduce the tax policy rate or completely withdraw it.

However, government has refused to yield to these demands.

Hence, Parliament was brought to a halt following the fisticuff among members of the two sides of the House.

The chaos erupted when the First Deputy Speaker allegedly tried to vacate his seat for the Second Deputy Speaker to partake in the voting and proceedings.

The sitting was, therefore, adjourned to Tuesday, January 25, 2022.

Source: Ghana News

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