General News

Energy Minister donates ¢20k to Appiatse Support Fund

The Minister for Energy, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh (MP), has on April 13, 2022, donated an amount of ¢20,000 to the Appiatse Support Fund.

This was disclosed by the Chairman of the Committee, Rev. Dr Joyce Rosalind Aryee during an engagement with the press.

Rev. Dr Aryee disclosed that Dr Mathew Opoku Prempeh’s donation “is part of the collective effort by Ghanaians in the nation-building agenda”.

She thanked the Minister for his kind gesture towards the Appiatse Support Fund and further called on other sector Ministers to emulate the Minister and generously donate their quota to the support fund.
Meanwhile, the General Manager of Supergeona Enterprise, Madam Gloria Ayimah also made a cheque donation of ¢50,000 on behalf of her company.

“As part of our corporate social responsibility, we would like to donate to help rebuild Appiatse,” she said.   

The Chairperson of the Fund who received the donations expressed gratitude to all donors on behalf of the Committee members.

She further appealed to other institutions and individuals to support and donate to the fund as the monies accrued so far are not adequate for the rebuilding and restoration of the livelihood of the Appiatse community.

“We were called to mobilise sufficient funds, as stated by the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Samuel A. Jinapor, and I can say that, at this time, the money is not yet sufficient,” she hinted.
Global Media Alliance, Liebherr Ghana Limited, and the Administrator and Secretary of the Appiatse Support Fund also contributed a significant amount of ¢10,000 ¢45,000 and ¢1000 respectively.

Source: Ghana News

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