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French Ambassador, Anne Sophie Ave, defends GHAMRO

Ambassador of France to Ghana, H.E. Anne Sophie Ave has jumped to the defense of Ghana Music Rights Organization (GHAMRO), in their role of music royalty collection in Ghana. According to her, a number of factors contribute to the slow progress of GHAMRO’s effectiveness in its field.

Anne Sophie Ave shared her thoughts on the long-standing rift between artistes, industry players and GHAMRO. The passionate music follower, believes a journey of a thousand miles begin with a step, as it was in the case of SACEM (Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music) in France.

During the launch of the music wing of ‘France – Ghana Cooperation’ at her residence last Saturday, she told Joy FM’s Kofi Hayford, “SACEM… was created in 1851, so it’s basically over 140 years, [while] GHAMRO is 8 years old”. The French Ambassador, by her comparison, asserts that critics need to give the only legal royalty collection outfit in Ghana the chance to grow.

These reactions come on the back of accusations by industry players and some pressure groups such as Ghana Music Alliance, who have a strong view that GHAMRO has been abysmal at executing its mandates to the detriment of hardworking artistes. Chairman of GHAMRO, Rex Omar, has on the other hand been defensive of the organizations operations, stating that it’s restricted in many ways, per the laws of Ghana.

However, H.E. Sophie Ave revealed plans of the French Embassy to help improve on music rights and royalty collection in Ghana. “The technical means of SACEM are completely different, so we are very willing to connect SACEM and GHAMRO, so that GHAMRO can do its job easier”, she disclosed.

GHAMRO is expected to progress with conversations with the French Embassy on its intentions to create a business relationship with SACEM. The relationship will most likely see an improvement in GHAMRO’s operations.  

Source: Ghana News

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