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‘Is it that Atta-Mills wasn’t dead and was buried alive?’ – Asiedu Nketia quizzes NPP MPs

The General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketia, has questioned the motive of some Majority MPs, who are calling for a bi-partisan probe into the death of former President John Evans Fiifi Atta-Mills.

Speaking in an interview on JoyFM’s Midday News on Friday, he indicated that he does not understand the fuss over the cause of the late President’s death.

This according to him is because, the cause of Mills’ death is already contained in available medical records, and therefore he deems the move by the four Majority MPs as unnecessary.

“As far as I’m concerned this is somebody who was sick, he was in the company of people 24/7. When the illness deteriorated, he was sent to a reputable hospital of record and the passing happened when he was still in the hands of competent medical men. Is it the case that the doctors have suggested something fishy which needs to be investigated?

Or is it the case that his medical records are not available for anybody who so wishes to find out anything about the cause of his death? In fact, Parliament cannot be pushed to form a committee to look for something that is already on public record. So I don’t know what they want to look out for. We want to understand what it is that Parliament is being asked to go and look out for.

I have heard about Presidents who have died. Samora Martels died; he died in an air accident, the circumstances of which were mysterious. So there was a probe into the cause of the accident. The same way Mandela died. He grew old, fell sick and died. I didn’t hear about any investigation about Mandela’s death.

So is it the case that people don’t understand that Professor Mills was sick? Or, is it the case that they’re suggesting that he was not killed by the disease, or that we wasn’t dead and he was buried alive?” Asiedu Nketia quizzed.

The comments by the NDC’s chief scribe was in response to a call by four members of the Majority in Parliament who have filed a Private Member’s motion for a bi-partisan investigation into the death of the late President.

The motion was led by the Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annoh-Dompreh.

The group wants Parliament to constitute a committee “to unravel the unending mystery surrounding the death of late President Mills which sad event occurred on July 24, 2012.”

Aside from the Nsawam-Adoagyiri MP, the remaining sponsors of the motion include Tolon MP, Habib Iddrissu; Mpraeso MP, Davis Ansah Opoku and Tema Central MP, Yves Hanson-Nortey. The lawmakers would be required to provide the reasons for their motion when it is admitted by the Speaker and tabled for discussion.

But Mr. Asiedu believes the call doesn’t have any significance.

“Honestly, I don’t understand what the MPs want Parliament to investigate. The purpose of any investigation is to find out maybe something that is not on public record or there’s some occurrence that is shrouded in some secrecy. Or the circumstances of which suggest that there could have been some foul play and all that.

So far I don’t have any record to suggest that there could have been some foul play and all that. So far I don’t have any record to suggest that there’s something about Professor Mills’ death that’s not in the public domain. So I would like to understand what it is that Parliament is supposed to look for.

What type of mystery are they looking for? Is it the case that Professor Mills didn’t die and he was buried? Or that there was some accident [and] the circumstances of the accident are not understood or what?”, he questioned.

Meanwhile, brother of the President, Samuel Atta-Mills, has accused persons demanding a bi-partisan investigation into the death of the late President of using his brother’s death for politics.

Speaking in an interview on Asempa FM’s Ekosiisen on Thursday, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Komenda Edina Eguafo Abirem said there were no good intentions behind the Majority MPs call.

He said the Majority should rather focus on addressing issues bothering the country such as the UTAG strike and the demands by the aggrieved National Builders Corps (NABCo) instead of dragging his brother’s death into politics.

“It’s bad news. Why are they trying to cry more than the bereaved? You care more about Prof Mills than JB Danquah-Adu who was murdered in his house. Have you investigated that? Annoh-Dompreh is someone I used to respect a lot, he shouldn’t make me change my perception about him.

Why is it that every year they want to remember Nana Yaw [late President Evans Atta Mills]? People are suffering in this country, workers are going on strike, UTAG is on strike, all kinds of problems. Is this what Annoh-Dompreh could think of? Every year they are using Prof. Mills’ death for politics”, he stated.

But the Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annoh-Dompreh, disagrees with the NDC MP.

The Nsawam-Adoagyiri lawmaker noted that their action is out of patriotism and is meant to set the records straight due to what he said is the ‘mystery’ surrounding the late President’s death.

“We are doing this not out of malice, it is purely out of patriotism and the respect that we have for this country and for the late President before his death. We’ve heard of various versions about the death of Professor Mills, we believe that out of patriotism, we must set the records straight”, he explained.

On the sideline of this development, some residents of Etua, the hometown of the late President have also expressed mixed reactions about the call for investigations into his death.

While some believe that the move is necessary, others have argued that sleeping dogs should be allowed to rest.

Source: Ghana News

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