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Livestream: PM Express discusses criticisms against the Judiciary

Tonight, PM Express will have a conversation on the recent critique by former President John Mahama regarding the ‘corrupt’ perception of the Judiciary.

Mr. John Mahama during a conference by NDC lawyers in August said the Judiciary has lost trust and needs to repair its ‘broken image’.

But the Attorney-General, Godfred Dame and President Akufo-Addo took exception to the comments and severely criticised former President John Mahama during the annual conference by the Ghana Bar Association on Monday.

There has been some back and forth concerning the Judiciary in terms of its execution of justice and whether its rulings have been fair in the past years.

Evans Mensah therefore interacts with some Legal Practitioners on the public perception of the Judiciary and what can be done to redeem the ‘broken image’ as John Mahama puts it.

The topic for discussion is, ‘Judiciary under attack? What has politics got to do with it?’

Stay tuned.

Source: Ghana News

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