General News

Mahama donates ¢1.9m to NDC to support internal elections

Former President, John Dramani Mahama has donated GH¢1,953,000 to the National Democratic Congress (NDC). 

The donation is to aid the party in its internal elections with the regional elections commencing today, Friday, November 11. 

This was announced by the National Communications Officer of the party, Sammy Gyamfi in a press statement issued today. 

According to the said statement, GH¢853,000 is for the conduct of the regional elections and the balance for a debt owed to the Electoral Commission (EC) for the conduct of the party’s constituency elections. 

“The NDC’s flag-bearer for the 2020 general elections has donated an amount totalling ¢1,953,000 to support the conduct of the party’s constituency and regional internal elections. 

The donation is made up of an amount of ¢853,000 to the national party leadership for the organization of regional election conferences across the country and an amount of ¢1,100,000 to the Electoral Commission to clear the debt owed them by the party in respect to the just-ended constituency elections of the party,” the release said. 

The release concluded that “the party is most grateful to His Excellency and his generous sponsors for coming to the assistance of the party at this crucial time.”

Source: Ghana News

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