General News

McDan’s commercial private jet service to take off January 26

The commercial private jet services set to be operated from the Kotoka International Airport (KIA) and managed by McDan Aviation, will be fully opened from January 26. 

Executive Chairman of McDan Group, Daniel McKorley disclosed this to JoyBusiness in an interview. He added that everything is set for the service to take off later this month.

He added that “we were looking forward to it being opened earlier the year, but it was clashing with other big events in town”

Mr. McDan admitted that the motivation for entering into the business was first to make money as a businessman, impact society positively and change lives.

“It has been my motivation to be the best in everywhere that that operate as a businessman,” he added.

Details on commercial private jet services

McDan Aviation in 2019 received license to operate what can be described as the first purpose-built FBO, offering business aircraft operators a secure and private alternative to the airport’s main terminal for international travels. 

The facility will include, a VIP lounge, a presidential suite, a crew lounge and flight planning office as well as conference facilities and a hanger.

It will also have facilities that will allow, passengers and crew to complete customers and immigration procedures in the same building, coming with a restaurant and in-flight catering.

According to the Executive Chairman of McDan Group, the facility will make it easier for travels across the region and the world by businesses, wanting to quickly close deals and get back home.

Mr. McDan noted that there is a total connection across Africa and the World when it comes to the necessary on-ground services for the Executive Private Jets.

Securing Terminal One from Ghana Airport Company

Mr. McDan also rejected reports that Terminal 1 was a handout from the government.

He maintained that this was purely a private business transaction with Ghana Airport Company and McDan Aviation, structured under a lease agreement over a period.

He disclosed that Terminal 1 was “lying ideal” following the decision of the Ghana Airport Company to move domestic flights to Terminal 2.  Mr.  McDan noted that Terminal 1 would have been in a deplorable state by now if this agreement has not been reached with the managers of the Airport.

Other services that McDan Aviation will offer to the public

The Terminal One also offers other services to the public and the business community. This will include, an Air Ambulance service and Helipad business as well. Mr. McDan noted that they plan to offer total aviation services to the public when the facility formally opens.

“ The Helipad Business should help in boosting domestic tourism as well and also businesses move around quickly in the country to transact the necessary business deals “ Mr. McDan noted.

The Terminal One and Job creation

According to the Executive Chairman of the McDan Group, about 500 Jobs will be created due to the establishment of the Terminal 1 Executive Jet services and other related businesses.  Mr. McDan maintained that this will be in the form of direct and indirect jobs. 

Mr.  McDan also maintained that there is a commitment to make sure that the majority of these jobs go to indigenes or Ghanaians.

Source: Ghana News

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