General News

MP for Twifo Hemang bears cost of driving license of 200 drivers in his constituency

The Member of Parliament for the Twifo Hemang-Lower Denkyira Constituency, Bright Wereko Brobbey, has partly financed the processing of driver’s licenses for about 200 drivers in the Constituency.

Speaking on behalf of the MP, the head of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA), Mr. Francis Asare, indicated that the MP reached out to the authority to seek their services.

He stated that the MP provided part of the amount required to ease the financial stress on drivers in the Constituency.

“The MP made the decision to assist his constituents about a month ago. He began by helping petty traders by providing them with financial support to help them in their business, and now he has arranged for the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority to visit the Constituency and provide their services. He has provided the subsidy for all the activities they are undertaking. We are here to support these drivers because they are the most affected by the current economy due to increases in fuel prices. Because of this, the MP decided to support them by completing new licensing, renewing their licenses, and maintaining their roadworthiness.

The four-day event in the Constituency, he continued, is intended to attract 200 drivers, but more people than expected showed up on the first day. He did, however, reassure everyone in attendance that they would be taken care of even if the number exceeded the target.

“We are targeting 200 drivers. The team will be here from Tuesday to Friday. More than 100 people were present on Tuesday alone. However, even if the number is higher than 200, we will still support the additional numbers.

He also mentioned that the drivers are very happy with this initiative by the MP as it has cut down the cost of traveling to the regional capital, Cape Coast, for licensing services as these services have been brought to their doorstep. He also said the payment of half of the cost for licensing is of great help to the drivers.

He further added that the youth will also be targeted and soon a programme will be rolled out to benefit them, and advised the constituents to have hope in their MP as he has them at heart.

Reacting to the initiative, one of the beneficiaries expressed her gratitude to the member of Parliament. She said the initiative is good and wished that the MP would continue so as to ease the stress of his people.

The former Member of Parliament for the Twifo Atti-Mokwa Constituency, Samuel Ato Amoah, also shared his thoughts on the initiative. He applauded the MP’s initiative and said he believes that as an MP, it is good to take initiatives that will help ease burdens on his constituents.

He intimated that bringing the DVLA team to the Constituency is a thoughtful deed as it will cut down the time and cost of travelling to the capital to seek their services.

He added that even though the DVLA team is doing their best, it is incumbent on the Ghana Police Service to arrest and prosecute drivers without a license. He said this will give the drivers an order to go and get licensed.

In addition, he urged the DVLA to expand its services to other districts and constituencies so that more people could take advantage of them.

Source: Ghana News

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