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NHIA encourages patronage of online platforms for improved services

NHIA encourages patronage of online platforms for improved services

Subscribers of the National Health Insurance Scheme have been encouraged to patronize the NHIS mobile app and other online platforms for swift and convenient services.

Long queues of customers are often recorded at NHIS offices for registration and redress, to other challenges.

Ashanti Regional Head of the NHIA, Kwadwo Dwomoh, assures a new online platform will improve the authority’s services and ensure rapid accessibility.

NHIA encourages patronage of online platforms for improved services

The National Health Insurance Authority in the Ashanti region is going digital and has embarked on awareness creation, starting with subscribers in the security services.

The “My NHIS” App will allow customers to register and renew their membership on the scheme online, make payments, locate NHIS-accredited health facilities and submit complaints remotely.

NHIA encourages patronage of online platforms for improved services

Ashanti Regional Head of the National Health Insurance Authority, Kwadwo Dwomoh, said the new application is aimed at tackling crowding at the offices and easing access to NHIS services.

“This revolutionary app is a game changer. It’s flexible, convenient and cost-effective. No need to walk to our offices to have your physical card, just your phone and your Ghana card to operate it.”One can locate health facilities accredited, know the diseases the health insurance covers, register, and renew without coming to our office. I would encourage all Ghanaians to embrace this new project,” he said.

NHIA encourages patronage of online platforms for improved services

Mr. Kwadwo Dwomoh led a team of staff through the offices of the Kumasi Central Prisons and the Ashanti Regional Police Headquarters at Adum for the sensitization. 

“The prisons and police personnel are partners in this initiative.  So as part of our outreach, we are calling and helping them get on board. So they can also introduce their friends and family to this convenient app,” he added.

NHIA encourages patronage of online platforms for improved services

PRO at the Kumasi Central Prison, Superintendent Richard Bukari, noted the online service platform will facilitate accessibility of inmates to the National Health Insurance Scheme.

“Our work at the prisons will be very easy with regards to keeping the public safe. It will limit the number of inmates that go out with the reason of going to register onto the health insurance scheme. With the online platform, they do not need to come out of our cells to be able to do it,” he said.

Source: Ghana News

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