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No matter how many times you fail, the opportunity to succeed will not be closed –Dr Amin Adam to NOBISCO students

It is very easy to think of successful people as being privileged or naturally skilled or even extraordinarily talented. However a closer look beyond the glitz and luster of their success reveals the depths from which they have come and the weight of the failures they’ve had to overcome.

It was a dumfounding moment for students of the Northern school of Business when they learnt of the many challenges one of their illustrious alumnus surmounted to reach the top of the mountain he currently stands.

Delivering a speech at the launch of the 50th Anniversary of NOBISCO, The MP for Karaga Dr Mohammed Amin Adams said “On this journey to a successful future, some of you will tumble. Some of you will lose your steps. Yet some of you will fail.  But know that no matter how many times you fail, how many times you fall, the opportunity to succeed will not be closed, and you should therefore not condemn yourself to hopelessness”.

No matter how many times you fail, the opportunity to succeed will not be closed –Dr Amin Adam to NOBISCO students

The Deputy Minister for Energy who holds a PHD in energy and petroleum revealed how he stumbled many times in his pursuit of academic excellence.

“I have failed my exams before, I failed the Common Entrance Exams. I failed the late Entrance Exams. So I came to NOBISCO as a Sports boy, but I soon realized in my first year that I could become a great intellectual”.

But these challenges did not stop him in reaching his goal.

No matter how many times you fail, the opportunity to succeed will not be closed –Dr Amin Adam to NOBISCO students

“But I can also say without any equivocation that I am a winner because I studied to the highest academic degree”.

But the challenges the economic energy expert surmounted were not simply academic. He’s had to endure a few in his career.

“I lost parliamentary elections three consecutive times, I lost job opportunities many times…I won parliamentary elections in my fourth attempt.  And I have not just gotten many jobs, I have created many”.

No matter how many times you fail, the opportunity to succeed will not be closed –Dr Amin Adam to NOBISCO students

“If I can do it with the kind of limited facilities I had in NOBISCO, you can do more”. He added.

Dr. Amin Adam encouraged the students to leverage on the opportunities and resources available to them to succeed.

“Today, you no longer study with lanterns, you do not travel to the place we called “Chilvarious” or Jisonaayili to fetch water, and off course you do not lose your lunch if you don’t fetch water to the school kitchen. You have no excuse to fail”.

No matter how many times you fail, the opportunity to succeed will not be closed –Dr Amin Adam to NOBISCO students

As part of its 50th anniversary the school is embarking on a number of projects to lift the image of the school and make academic work easier and better. The Deputy Minister announced government will see to the construction of a new boy’s dormitory for school.

“I have also been asked by His Excellency, Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Vice President of the Republic to inform you that he has been touched by the unfortunate conversion of a dining hall to boys dormitory. He has asked me to assure you that, soon a new boy’s dormitory will be built here in NOBISCO to mark the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of our school, and this will form one of the key highlights of the school’s golden Jubilee.”

Dr Amin however made some personal donations including a GHC10,000 donation to support the school’s cadet corp and another GHC10,000 to support the upgrading of the WC for the staff of the school.

No matter how many times you fail, the opportunity to succeed will not be closed –Dr Amin Adam to NOBISCO students

He announced plans to complete the home economic block of the school with the help of four other mates.

“You have already contributed towards the construction of a Home Economics Block which has reached lintel level. I want to announce that five old students – Mr. Hamis Yussif, Mr. Tika Yidana, Mr. Mawiah Kadiri, Mr. Frank Mantey and myself, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam, have agreed to put resources together to complete the block before the formal commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of our school.  This does not mean old boys and girls should cease donations towards other projects”.

Established in 1975 the Northern School Of Business was absorbed into the Public System in 1976, and converted into a Senior Secondary School in 1991.

The school is a mixed school with day and boarding as its housing status. Courses offered in the school are Business, Home Economics, General Arts, and General Science.

Popularly known as NOBISCO It is one of the best senior high schools in the Tamale metropolis.

Source: Ghana News

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