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Publish report into demolition of Bulgarian Embassy – Ablakwa to government

The North Tongu MP has asked government to immediately release the reports into the circumstances leading to the demolition of the Bulgarian Embassy in Accra.

Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa said the government is trying to shield the person complicit in the case, which he believes does not auger well for the country’s image.

Publish report into demolition of Bulgarian Embassy - Ablakwa to government
MP for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa

“Why is the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government treating the Sole Inquirer’s Report into the demolishing of the Bulgarian Embassy like a nuclear code?”

“It’s been several weeks after the government’s initial seven-day timeline, and yet, all we see is a grand scheme of apparent official cover-up and a sleazy agenda to shield the President’s appointee at the NDPC, “Demolishing Man” Dr Yaw. Adu Ampomah.”

Publish report into demolition of Bulgarian Embassy - Ablakwa to government
Deputy Lands Minister, Benito Owusu-Bio confronts contractor of Bulgarian Embassy land

The MP insists that the diplomatic and international community keenly follow the issue.

“The diplomatic and international community is following this sordid affair most keenly — Ghana cannot afford another damning international verdict after the recent spate of grim global assessments.”

Mr Ablakwa made the demand in a post via his Facebook page.

The Sole Inquirer who investigated the dispute’s circumstances presented his report on Tuesday, April 26.

Publish report into demolition of Bulgarian Embassy - Ablakwa to government

The report was received by Benito Owusu-Bio, Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources responsible for lands and forestry, on behalf of the Sector Minister.

Source: Ghana News

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