General News

The Herald clinches top honour at PRINPAG awards ceremony

Larry Dogbey receiving the award from GJA President Albert Kwabena Dwomfour

The Herald newspaper was celebrated at the inaugural year-end gala and awards event organised by the Private Newspapers and Online Publishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG) on Friday, December 22, 2023.

The newspaper secured the prestigious accolade for having the Best Newspaper Content in the nation.

Other notable awardees included the Daily Guide newspaper, acknowledged for Best Layout, and Modern Ghana, which earned the title of Best News Portal.

The well-attended ceremony featured a special tribute to former Executive Secretary of PRINPAG, Kenteman Nii–Laryea Sowah, who was honoured for his dedicated service spanning over 30 years.

In his acknowledgment speech, Sowah singled out influential figures such as Kwesi Pratt of the Insight Newspaper, Gina Blay of the Daily Guide newspaper, Kweku Baako of the New Crusading Guide, and Kofi Coomson of the Ghanaian Chronicle newspaper for their efforts in advocating for the repeal of the criminal libel and sedition law during the era of John Agyekum Kufuor.

The Herald clinches top honour at PRINPAG awards ceremony

The law, which had been extensively exploited by the Rawlings government, resulted in the imprisonment of many journalists but was expunged when John Agyekum Kufuor assumed leadership in January 2021.

Sowah also highlighted Kufuor’s pivotal role in passing the Right to Information law, a process that took approximately 25 years.

The event, held at the Sunlodge Hotel in Tesano – Accra, was attended by key figures including Albert Kwabena Dwumfour, the President of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), George Sarpong, the Executive Secretary of the National Media Commission (NMC), and Gloria Hiadzi, the Executive Secretary of the Ghana Independent Broadcasters Association (GIBA).

Edwin Arthur and his executive team received accolades for their instrumental role in revitalising PRINPAG, restoring its vibrancy. The ceremony garnered widespread praise for their efforts.

Larry Dogbey, The Herald’s managing editor, expressed gratitude to all who contributed to the newspaper’s success over the years.

In a statement, Dogbey remarked, “Being recognised by our peers as the newspaper with the best content in Ghana at the PRINPAG awards ceremony is a significant achievement for us at The Herald. Producing high-quality content in a competitive industry is no easy feat. Congratulations are also extended to the Daily Guide newspaper for winning the Best Layout award and Modern Ghana for being recognized as the Best News Portal.

“Commendations to Edwin Arthur and his team for the success and revitalisation of PRINPAG. Their efforts to make a positive impact on the private newspapers and online publishing industry in Ghana are truly commendable. They deserve all the encouragement for their leadership.”

Source: Ghana News

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General News

The Herald clinches top honour at PRINPAG awards ceremony

Larry Dogbey receiving the award from GJA President Albert Kwabena Dwomfour

The Herald newspaper was celebrated at the inaugural year-end gala and awards event organised by the Private Newspapers and Online Publishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG) on Friday, December 22, 2023.

The newspaper secured the prestigious accolade for having the Best Newspaper Content in the nation.

Other notable awardees included the Daily Guide newspaper, acknowledged for Best Layout, and Modern Ghana, which earned the title of Best News Portal.

The well-attended ceremony featured a special tribute to former Executive Secretary of PRINPAG, Kenteman Nii–Laryea Sowah, who was honoured for his dedicated service spanning over 30 years.

In his acknowledgment speech, Sowah singled out influential figures such as Kwesi Pratt of the Insight Newspaper, Gina Blay of the Daily Guide newspaper, Kweku Baako of the New Crusading Guide, and Kofi Coomson of the Ghanaian Chronicle newspaper for their efforts in advocating for the repeal of the criminal libel and sedition law during the era of John Agyekum Kufuor.

The Herald clinches top honour at PRINPAG awards ceremony

The law, which had been extensively exploited by the Rawlings government, resulted in the imprisonment of many journalists but was expunged when John Agyekum Kufuor assumed leadership in January 2021.

Sowah also highlighted Kufuor’s pivotal role in passing the Right to Information law, a process that took approximately 25 years.

The event, held at the Sunlodge Hotel in Tesano – Accra, was attended by key figures including Albert Kwabena Dwumfour, the President of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), George Sarpong, the Executive Secretary of the National Media Commission (NMC), and Gloria Hiadzi, the Executive Secretary of the Ghana Independent Broadcasters Association (GIBA).

Edwin Arthur and his executive team received accolades for their instrumental role in revitalising PRINPAG, restoring its vibrancy. The ceremony garnered widespread praise for their efforts.

Larry Dogbey, The Herald’s managing editor, expressed gratitude to all who contributed to the newspaper’s success over the years.

In a statement, Dogbey remarked, “Being recognised by our peers as the newspaper with the best content in Ghana at the PRINPAG awards ceremony is a significant achievement for us at The Herald. Producing high-quality content in a competitive industry is no easy feat. Congratulations are also extended to the Daily Guide newspaper for winning the Best Layout award and Modern Ghana for being recognized as the Best News Portal.

“Commendations to Edwin Arthur and his team for the success and revitalisation of PRINPAG. Their efforts to make a positive impact on the private newspapers and online publishing industry in Ghana are truly commendable. They deserve all the encouragement for their leadership.”

Source: Ghana News

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